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Who Is SoCal Salty?

I’m just a guy who likes to fish. I prefer to do it in the ocean, so I’m a salty. I’ve done it most of my life, but that doesn’t make me an ‘expert’. When I fished in the south end of Puget Sound (Washington State) as a kid, my friends and I didn’t really know what we were doing. We just enjoyed the sights, and smells of the Sound, and camaraderie of good friends. I try to remind myself of that feeling on the inevitable days the fish don’t want to bite. Today, I live in a different part of the country. Fishing techniques vary by species, time of year, location, depth and numerous other variables. I’ll try to let you know what gear to bring, and when and how to use it.
I like to write. Here on the blog, I write about the trips I go on, the gear I use on the water and in the kitchen, and things that I think you will find interesting or important as a fellow Southern California saltwater angler. Besides the writing I do here on the blog, I’ve also written for Western Outdoor News, Griffin Media, The Log. I currently write a weekly column at BD Outdoors (aka Bloody Decks).
I also like to cook and eat what I catch. I’m fairly decent in the kitchen myself, but I also share my catch with friends and will show you how we prepared it.

Finally, I’m a dad and try to get my kids Jacob and Juliana out on the water as often as possible with me. I like sharing time with them doing something other than being entertained by some electronic device. I also think it’s important for them to know that real food isn’t something in a box that comes out of the freezer and goes into the microwave.

This blog is where I’ll share what I learn, so that you can enjoy your time on the water, come home with fish in your sack, and enjoy a good meal from your catch.

Enjoy the ride

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