2014 Top Ten Countdown
Last year was good, I got all 10 by August, and got one of the Extra Salty goals. Hopefully, I can get the 10 again this year and improve on the Extra Salty ones. One of my goals in originally creating the Top 10 was to encourage people to fish outside their comfort zone, by fishing outside their typical area and catching the different gamefish we have. Late last year, I took up surf fishing and have found it enjoyable and very different from the boat-based fishing I’ve been doing. So I’ve added a surf fish, corbina (#7) to the mix.
Take the challenge and see how you do this year!
Updated Dec 15, 2014
STATUS: 9 of 10, TWO – Extra Salty
10. Rockfish – Yes & Extra Salty
9. Barracuda – no
8. Sheephead aka #thatdamnfish – YES!
7. Corbina – YES
6. Saltwater Bass (calico, sand, spotted) – YES

In the Pt. Loma kelp on the NSF, Aug 2014
5. Lingcod – YES
4. California Halibut – yes
3. White Seabass – YES and Extra Salty
2. Tuna – Yes
1. Yellowtail – YES! Extra Salty?